
Adorned with Natalie

Mar 9, 2013

We’re on our second installment of Adorned, my blog feature in which I will be sporadically invading the homes, jewelry boxes, and collections of the women most dear to me.

I ask each woman to reflect on her jewelry collection and pull out 5-10 of her most personal pieces, usually a combination of the most meaningful, the most beloved, and the most often worn.  Through this storytelling, I hope to share with you what I already know to be true: that at its best, these small little objects we collect tell the sacred stories of who we are.  To get email reminders when a new women is featured, become an Adorned Insider.

Today I’m sharing you the collection of my younger cousin, Natalie Corsini.  I come from a big family with lots of cousins who are like sisters and brothers to me. Here are her picks from our interview together, enjoy.

1// My hoops are my staple, my everyday don’t-really-have-to-think-about-it earring.  I love to wear them to work.
2// The Love bracelet is a gift my best friend Fairie gave to me, I don’t wear it as often but it’s very special to me.
3// The Saints Bracelet is something that I first got from my Aunt but then I lost it.  I was really sad, so a friend found another one for me to replace it.  It reminds me of my Grandma Ellen.
4// The Birch Earrings are the first thing that you gave to me when you started your jewelry business so they’re very special too.
5// The sparkly ones I wear when going out and I get a ton of compliments on them because they must catch people’s eyes.  They are also really light and comfortable which I love.
6// The studs I trade off—I usually wear them during the daytime.  They match most things and I’m obsessed with them.  I think I must like this texture a lot!
7// The rings I don’t take off, the one on my ring finger I got when I was 16 or 17.  I remember distinctly thinking to myself, “I’ve never owned a ring before, I’m gonna go buy a ring.”  I tried it on and liked it, so I haven’t taken it off since.  The Constellation rings were a present when I graduated from Cal.
ME: You know that your Dad commissioned me to make those for you?  That design is in my collection now but I designed it with you in mind.
N: Oh! They’ve lived on me since the day I got them.
ME: I think it’s so cute that you decided you wanted to go buy yourself a ring when you were a teenager.
N: I know, because everyone had rings in high school, especially my best friend who had 3 or 4 rings.  I was not really into jewelry but a ring felt important to have.  I didn’t even get my ears pierced until high school, so I was a little late on all of it.  I discovered earrings late, but then I got known for them.  I developed a collection and then all my girlfriends would want to borrow them in college, and my roommates would steal them for whatever outfit they were wearing.  My style has changed some over the years, but definitely I still never go anywhere without earrings.
L O V E + M E T A L
Kate Ellen
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