Okay, so I guess technically Bolinas isn't "far" from Oakland. Only about an 90 minute drive from The Town, Bolinas is one of my old haunts from teenage-dom. I was getting up to no good back then, as many kids growing up in rural west Marin are apt to do. It's a very different place for me now, although I usually go to Stinson when I need a beach day. The little extra drive was worth it though, Bolinas is significantly more laid back which was just what my best friend Lynsey and I needed.
Laying out on our big beach blanket (that I always keep in my truck for just-so purposes), I felt transported back to what the beach felt like when I was a kid-- lots of families hanging out, naked kids everywhere, dogs running and playing in the water with little to no supervision, big over-sized and dangerous holes dug near sand castles. It feels less structured, less worried, more trusting. There must have been at least 50 surfers in the water too which makes for good entertainment. I had myself a pretty good sun-soaked snooze which was absolutely heavenly.
My bud brought her dog Adeline July with us, and she had herself a good old time digging with her ball, trying to scavenge food from other beach-goers, and running wild and free in the water. She was a beautiful sandy, exhausted mess at the end of the day.
Here are a few outtakes from our day.
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