
Harena Launch Party

Mar 25, 2014

I am beyond excited to share the news: I am finally launching a new collection.

We are having a private launch party for viewing and pre-ordering--as well as a whole *ishload of champagne to celebrate this massive creative process coming to fruition.

I have been designing and thinking about this new work for two years, actually mostly I was just daydreaming, as my hands were so full of the daily tasks of getting Crown Nine up and running. Opening a retail shop is equally harrowing as exhilarating, requiring all of your creative and brain power and spiritual tenacity. Not much was left over for making new things.

But the new shop location has been so warmly embraced that it finally gave me more time to create--and having my studio in the shop has been a literal dream come true.  I am making things everyday, living my aspiration everyday.

The new collection, Harena, means 'sand' in latin.  Sand because all the original models for the series were hand sandcasted right here at Crown Nine.  Sandcasting is the crudest, most ancient form of casting, used by ancient cultures the world over.  The process starts with making an impression in an oily sand mixture, heating the metal until it's molten, then pouring it directly into the sand mold.  The result is a gritty, sandy texture that looks dug out of the earth.  Perfect.

The shapes of the Harena collection come from my travels in the last two years {Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree, Zion, Yosemite}.  It has characters who have taught me things, like the Crow and the Horse, and lots of silver and gold.  Like a lot of gold.  And sparkly diamonds, offset by pitch black spinel.

Please join us in celebrating, it won't be the same without you.  RSVP

L O V E + M E T A L



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