So incredibly proud of my sweet, fiery best friend whose article is the cover feature in this week's East Bay Express. The story outlines very troubling truths about sex-trafficking in Oakland and beyond, and the people who are trying to change the laws to better serve the underage girls who get trapped in the system. Congrats on a job well done lady- we need people like you shining the light so we all can see. xoxo
SHOUT OUT // Bestie By Line
Jul 2, 2014
So incredibly proud of my sweet, fiery best friend whose article is the cover feature in this week's East Bay Express. The story outlines very troubling truths about sex-trafficking in Oakland and beyond, and the people who are trying to change the laws to better serve the underage girls who get trapped in the system. Congrats on a job well done lady- we need people like you shining the light so we all can see. xoxo
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